Upcoming Events and Workshops


Virtual Workshops

Join NYEC for our virtual workshops! Explore a wide range of engaging topics designed to enrich your knowledge and skills to better assist young people. Our workshops are free to attend, making it easy for everyone to participate. Plus, as a member of NYEC, you'll enjoy exclusive access to the recordings, allowing you to revisit the sessions at your convenience. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn and grow with our community!

U.S. Department of Labor Office Hours

Welcome to our monthly "DOL Ask Away," which is your opportunity to delve into questions with our U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration experts! Whether you're seeking clarity on WIOA regulations, implementation strategies, or programmatic guidance, the ETA team is here to provide you with comprehensive answers. These office hours are open to all, offering a direct line to valuable insights and expertise. Join us, ask your questions, and gain the knowledge you need to navigate workforce development effectively. To make most effective use of time, questions should be submitted prior to the event. These office hours are a monthly reoccurring virtual event.