Online Training Platform
Audience: youth-serving orgs, youth
NYEC is proud to partner with Ampersand in their efforts to better prepare youth for the workforce. This platform can be utilized by service-providers to help their youth to enter and excel in the workforce. Youth may also subscribe individually.
NYEC members get an exclusive discount of 15% off using discount code NYEC23 at checkout.
Check out our Ampersand Partnership Page to get started!
"Our platform upskills new professionals through carefully-curated courses and dedicated coaches so that they can build confidence, flourish in their careers, and quickly become successful, productive members of the workforce."
Example Courses:
Career Exploration: Dive into the essentials of becoming a strategic job seeker. It's not just about blindly sending a resume out; learners will understand how to find the career path for their unique skills and career path, and leverage this in their job search.
Goal-Setting & Mindset: Setting intentional short-term and long-term professional goals powered by a growth-oriented mindset is key to launching a career, and overcoming the challenge of building professional confidence. Learners gain the tools to start setting goals, including methods for articulating goals to managers, dealing with imposter syndrome, and more.
Interviewing & Hiring Process: Approaching interviews with professionalism and preparation is key to making a strong first impression on an employer, and securing a career-changing role at any stage of a professional career. By reviewing the hiring process, strategies for tackling common interview questions, and how to negotiate a job offer with confidence, learners will ace any interview and secure their dream jobs.
Larry Robbin and Associates
Live Webinars
Audience: youth-serving orgs, employers, social workers, other service providers
Larry Robbin is a long-time supporter of NYEC and an expert in the field of training, consulting, and program development. He offers live webinars and trainings for staff and employers.
Email us at [email protected] or contact Larry directly ([email protected]) to get more information!
"Larry Robbin, Executive Director of Robbin and Associates, has over forty-five years of diverse direct service, management, program development, training and consulting experience in workforce development, education, training and social services. He is widely regarded as a national expert in those fields. Larry has provided consulting, training and other services for more than 1000 organizations including all types of government agencies, one-stops, nonprofits, for profit businesses, schools, community based organizations, training providers and many other entities."
Example Webinars:
How to Become a High Capacity Program!
Strategies for Serving More People in Less Time and Getting Better Results
Working for Wellness! How to Manage Anxiety, Stress and Burnout in
Workforce Development Organizations!
You Can Be a Barrier Buster!
New, More Powerful and Faster Ways to Eliminate Barriers to Employment!
Don’t Think I – Think We Don’t Think Program – Think Partners!
How to Make Your Partnerships into a Seamless System!
Trauma! How to Help People Cope with This Powerful Barrier to Employment
and Become Successful in the World of Work!
How to Hire the Workforce Development Professional of the Future!
Customer Service Strategies for Success with Challenging Customers!
From the Streets to the Workplace!
Employment Strategies for Working with People that are Homeless!