improving outcomes for opportunity youth nationwide 

The National Youth Employment Coalition is a nonprofit membership network that fosters synergy among organizations across the country and amplifies their impact through capacity building, policy work, and youth leadership.

Happening Now at NYEC!


National Youth Employment Coalition is proud to announce the Youth Champion Communities Framework (YCCF)—a major national initiative designed to help communities of all sizes assess and substantially improve their capacities to engage and prepare young people for economic mobility and success. The YCCF is a comprehensive framework that seeks to answer the question, “What does a community that best supports its young people truly look like?” This Framework, developed through intensive conversations with community leaders, political leadership, and young people with lived experience from around the country, holds communities to a high standard, while providing them with a roadmap detailing how to get there.

As part of the second phase of this project, NYEC will pilot the YCCF in 5-7 communities across the country. Pilot communities will utilize a community self-assessment, develop a strategic plan, and utilize the implementation tool to focus on system level impacts that support young people and sustain economic mobility.

Youth Days 2024 Banner (6)
Get ready for the National Youth Employment Coalition 2024 Youth Days in Washington D.C., where we're uniting youth and practitioners from across the nation to advocate for Opportunity Youth at the federal level. This year's event features a dynamic blend of virtual preparation and in-person engagement in Washington, D.C. Whether you’re new to policy and advocacy or a seasoned advocate, you don’t want to miss this event!
Join one of our virtual training sessions where participants will be equipped with the knowledge, tools, and resources to host impactful meetings with policymakers. Participants will also learn about ways they can utilize social media for youth advocacy.
In September, participants will convene in D.C. for a final preparatory session before heading to the Hill for meetings with legislators. Participants will review what they learned in their virtual training and the final logistics of their Hill meetings. The day will close with a networking reception.
Youth Days in Washington, D.C. will wrap-up with a final workshop in which attendees reflect on their Hill meetings and brainstorm ways they can keep the momentum going when they return home. They will receive advocacy toolkits and will develop an Action Plan specific to their own community.
Learn more by clicking on our events page!

Learn about NYEC's 3 pillars

Our Mission

The National Youth Employment Coalition improves the lives of the 4.9 million young people who are out of school and out of work. We do this by improving the effectiveness of the organizations, and the systems, that serve these "opportunity youth." We collect, study, and support the implementation of best practices, all with a strong equity focus.

What's new from NYEC

Homelessness Report Final

The Intersections between Youth Experiencing Homelessness, Youth Supports and Employment

This literature review highlights the need for ongoing support services alongside
employment and training programs.

Learn more >

EE Core Practice Brief 4X3

Core Practice Brief on Employer Engagement

Exploring Best Practices in the Field serves as an expansion of the NYEC literature review and includes additional findings from focus groups comprised of employers, providers, youth and young adults in New Orleans and Los Angeles.

Learn more >

Mental health Report 4X3

NYEC Releases First of Its Kind Mental Health Report

A nationwide survey revealed the readiness of youth programs across the United States to respond to the youth mental health pandemic; the processes and systems providers have in place to fight the crisis; and what supports they need to combat this ongoing, life-threatening challenge.

Learn more >


Youth Justice and Employment Community of Practice

Exploring Best Practices in the Field serves as an expansion of the NYEC literature review and includes additional findings from focus groups comprised of employers, providers, youth and young adults in New Orleans and Los Angeles.

Learn more >

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Hear from our members!

"Being a member of NYEC has been the greatest professional development of my career.  In addition to supporting the great work that NYEC does on behalf of young people and our programs, being a member has given me a network of incredibly passionate people doing amazing work in communities across the country."

- Glenn Eagleson, former board member and board chair, 20+ year NYEC member

"NYEC membership provides evidence-based research to strengthen our team's practice  to serve youth and offers current information about the policy agenda through various platforms and invaluable online workshops. One of our favorites is the opportunity to engage live with DOL question and answer sessions  as we connect virtually with over 200 organizations nationwide. HIGHTS values the networking and collaborative opportunity with other organizations who strive to uplift and re-engage our youth with employment and credential attainment."
- Caroline Williamson, NYEC Board Member