Donate to NYEC

NYEC brings together people who care about young people getting and succeeding in work, but more generally is a hub for practical idealism. If you care about jobs for undocumented young people, ensuring ALL young people are included in the transition to a greener economy, new opportunities for youth with disabilities, tangible problem-solving around young adults impacted by the justice system, or any of our other work, we hope you'll consider making a donation. Give directly through NYEC's PayPal at

Donate Today

Please use our secure PayPal button to make a one-time donation of any amount. Your donation will support NYEC's ongoing and new projects including:

  • Supporting Youth Leadership
  • Creating Opportunities for Undocumented Young People
  • Ensuring Youth are Included in the Green Economy

A list of areas of support are below.

NYEC Builder's Club

A monthly donation will provide a source of stable revenue for NYEC’s core work, supporting member organizations and the field. Join the Builder’s Club for a donation of $40 per month or more. Use our secure PayPal button below to make your monthly donation. Contact Thomas Showalter at [email protected] for more information.


Help Support our Intiatives

Federal Advocacy

NYEC is a founding member of the Reconnecting Youth Campaign, with the mission of increasing federal appropriations to reconnect one million youth per year to employment, education, and opportunity. Your donation helps support our work in connecting communities and youth at the grassroots level to federal policymakers and staffers.

Partnership with Y-TAC

Throughout 2019, NYEC updated the YSP/KSA training modules, which are being delivered in states around the country. NYEC is a partner in the Youth Technical Assistance Center (Y-TAC), which is run by the Institute of Educational Leadership through a grant from the Rehabilitation Service Administration. This work will continue in 2020.

2020 Convenings

Between June 22-25th 2020, for a third year NYEC along with several national partners hosted the All Youth Connecting: Reengagement, Careers, and Community. The conference featured several tracks including a newly added "The COVID-19 Economy" and heavily emphasized discussion and peer learning with stakeholders throughout the country. Between December 7-10th 2020 NYEC hosted the Annual Forum which brought together 400+ attendees over the country for learning, healing, strategy and mobilizing into 2021.

Membership Growth 

At the core of NYEC is our growing membership. Your donation helps us bring new programming and resources to our members who collectively serve thousand of youth across the country. Consider also joining NYEC as a member by learning more here.

Youth Employment and the Green Economy 

The burgeoning green economy offers our field a window of opportunity to pursue equity and good quality jobs while seeking a sustainable path for our planet and future generations. NYEC and several national partners crafted principles for green economy legislation and investment. Read more here.

Youth Leadership Initiative

NYEC began 2020 by kicking off its Youth Leadership Initiative which is an ambitious move to involve young adults in all aspects of the organization’s decision-making. Young adults, current and former participants in NYEC member programs, will change how NYEC makes decisions, complement the organization’s advocacy and field-building efforts, and influence how NYEC member organizations engage young adults in decision-making roles. Learn more here.

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