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About Youth Days

Join the National Youth Employment Coalition for “Youth Days in D.C.” September 12-14, 2023. This event will foster education and empowerment for both young people and practitioners. Youth Days in D.C. will create a platform where attendees' voices can be uplifted and celebrated. This convening aims to move the needle in preparing the next generation to accomplish their goals by providing them with the necessary tools and guidance to contribute to building a brighter future for themselves and their communities.


Attendees will have a chance to meet with key federal decision-makers to amplify shared asks related to the policies that impact Opportunity Youth the most. They will also gain expertise in how federal law impacts their work and their life, have the opportunity to connect with like-minded folks from around the country, and walk away with resources they can use in their day-to-day. Stay tuned for registration details in the coming weeks.


Registration, Agenda, and Travel


  • Tuesday, September 12thPre-Conference Events and Learning Opportunities, 9am to 4pm
  • Wednesday, September 13th, Policy Institute, 9am to 4pm featuring welcome plenary, 3 breakout sessions and advocacy prep time to walk through materials and meetings, social capital hours 5-7 pm.
  • Thursday, September 14th, Meetings with Decision Makers, 10am to 3pm. Attendees will work in teams led by experienced advocates to meet with key decisionmakers throughout the day on Thursday. Each team will have 3-5 meetings with Members of Congress, congressional staff, or officials at federal agencies. All teams will receive customized background information about each of their meetings, and logistical support to make sure the day goes smoothly.


  • Youth and Young Adults Track - including a communication training and competition with gift cards for winners
  • Practitioner Track - featuring deep dives on key policy areas like WIOA, mental health, and apprenticeship; opportunities to learn and practice using new narratives to talk about youth and young adulthood; and training on leveraging data to change programs and systems.

NYEC members can email Julia Frohlich at [email protected] if they have not received their member discount code. Young Leaders or those purchasing for young leaders can also email for the discount code. Not a member? Join today and automatically qualify for the member discount on this convening and future forums along with our other benefits!

James Robinson Speaker

Session Descriptions

Practitioner Track

Visioning Session for Youth Champion Communities (Invitation Only)”

What does a city that values young people look like? NYEC is convening a small number of communities to create a holistic and actionable framework and assessment that all kinds of communities can use to measure their efforts.

Data and Research: A Shared Theory of Change

Shared data points are a key piece of any advocacy effort. We'll discuss some of these key data points related to OY, how to access and use data related to your area, and how to make sure that you're using data in a way that will change minds.

WIOA 101: Making the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Better

The Workforce Opportunity and Innovation Act (WIOA) is the primary federal law designed to connect unemployed individuals to employment, education, and service opportunities - and is once again up for review by Congress. In this session, we'll take a deep dive into major areas of debate related to WIOA and offer some talking points you'll be able to adapt for different audiences. Presenters will engage attendees in discussion about opportunities to improve our existing workforce system.

Apprenticeships: Translating Interest to New Opportunities for Young People

Apprenticeships are a familiar and longstanding example of work-based learning that has helped generations of workers gain a foothold in careers that pay family-sustaining wages. Unfortunately, the average age of an apprentice in the US is closer to 30 than 18. There's bipartisan interest in Congress and the states to expand apprenticeship, but what will it take for apprentices to work better for young people? Attendees will hear the latest on what's happening in Congress and discuss recommendations with members of NYEC's Policy Committee.

Addressing the Youth Mental Health Crisis: Policy and Practice

Young people are in the midst of a mental health crisis and an NYEC survey has found that workforce practitioners are struggling to respond. Members of NYEC's Policy Committee will unveil a series of pragmatic recommendations that address the acute symptoms of this crisis, while setting a course for tackling the underlying causes.

Youth and Young Adult Track

New Connections and Issue Deep Dives

The Youth and Young Adult Track will kick off with a series of interactive activities that facilitate relationship building, exploration, and learning. We'll then offer a chance for participants to take part in brief discussions focused on issues of most interest to young people, such as jobs, education, climate change, and mental health.

How to Make Change: The Advocacy Toolbox

This session will introduce young people to different paths to meaningful policy reform. Participants will hear from a current Congressional staffer, from a local elected official, and from a young person making change in their community. What's common and different across these perspectives and approaches? Participants will leave well-equipped with skills to amplify their voice on policy issues that interest them.

Communicating with Policymakers: Be Fearless, Take Charge, & Engage

Feeling anxious about speaking before others? Participants will choose an issue facing their community, then work with coaches to develop a compelling, short speech that will change minds. They will put their newfound skills to use in an advocacy competition - with prizes for winners.

Hotel Block is Closed - Please Call Yours Truly Hotel for Reservations

A limited block of rooms was available at Yours Truly, the conference hotel, for a significant discount of $257 per night. The hotel block has since closed on August 12th, but attendees can still book a room directly through the hotel.

Ticket Prices

Members: $400

Ticket Prices

Non-Members: $500

Ticket Prices

Youth & Young Adults: $100

Ticket Prices

Speaker Ticket $350

 Sponsors make events like Youth Days in DC possible and allow us to make the convening accessible for young people. We’d love to discuss these opportunities with you. We also would greatly any connections to other organizations that may be a good fit for sponsoring this event. Email Julia Frohlich at [email protected] to learn more!


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