Ben Joins NYEC Fulltime

NYEC is excited to welcome Ben Washington to our growing team. Ben previously worked for NYEC as a research consultant, but has recently accepted the role of full-time Data Specialist. Ben is a researcher and data analyst with a history of serving the Little Rock community. He is a graduate of the Clinton School of Public Service and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock where he focused his academic work on the disparities experienced by vulnerable populations in Central Arkansas. Ben’s recent work has included the Arkansas Public Policy Panel where he tracks federal funding made available through the Biden administration for use in Arkansas. He’s also worked with the NY-based Esperanza group where he served as a data associate, tracking data for a juvenile diversion program in NYC. He currently serves on the Board of the Arkansas Harm Reduction Project and is seeking ways to remain engaged in the fight for juvenile justice in his community.Ben will play a crucial role in helping NYEC and our members make the best use of data for the advancement of our work. His data knowledge and expertise will bolster our efforts to advocate for equitable pathways for Opportunity Youth. Ben is also leading our newest Community of Practice, which is focused on better serving justice-impacted youth through collaborative community efforts. Welcome to the team, Ben!