DC Youth and Young Adult Update 5-24-2024
News at NYEC:
- Register for NYEC’s 2024 Youth Days!: NYEC’s Youth Days will take place in September, where we invite practitioners, advocates and young people to join us in Washington, DC to advocate for Opportunity Youth at the federal level! This year’s event features a dynamic blend of virtual preparation and in-person engagement in Washington, DC. Whether you are new to policy and advocacy or a seasoned advocate, you won’t want to miss this event! Registration is now open, and the hotel block will become available soon. More details, including virtual preparation session descriptions and dates and a detailed agenda for the in-person event, can be found in the hyperlinked title!
- Recruit Your Representative to the Bipartisan Opportunity Youth Caucus!: We are calling on NYEC members to recruit your Representative to the Bipartisan Opportunity Youth Caucus (BOYC)! NYEC staff have met with key Congressional offices to ask that they join the BOYC, which will promote research and policies to support young people ages 16-24 who face barriers to employment or education and are at-risk of experiencing disconnection – also referred to as Opportunity Youth. As of this writing, there are three members of the Caucus: Co-chairs Rep. Michelle Steel (R-CA) and Rep. Troy Carter (D-LA), and Rep. Don Davis (D-NC). We need your help in building more momentum and support for the Caucus! Please ask your Representative to join the Bipartisan Opportunity Youth Caucus by using this template!
- NYEC Sends Letter to Appropriations Leaders Detailing Funding Priorities: NYEC sent a letter to House Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) and Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Patty Murray (D-WA) and Vice Chair Susan Collins (R-ME) detailing our Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriations recommendations.
Legislative Branch:
- Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) Introduce Digital Literacy and Skills Bill: The bill will include “digital skills” and “digital literacy skills” as critical objectives for Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which is the title of WIOA related to Adult Education and Literacy Activities.
Federal Funding Opportunities:
- The Department of Labor Announces $12 Million in Additional Funding Available to Improve Job Quality and Expand Access to Good Jobs in Critical Industries: The Labor Department’s announcement of an additional $12 million to improve access to high-quality jobs in critical industries include an emphasis on training for care economy roles, such as child and elderly care. This additional round of funding answers the increased demand for essential-industry workers who historically have been under-paid and enjoyed fewer worker protections. Applications are due July 15th, 2024.
- The Justice Department Seeks Applicants for Funding to Build Local Continuums of Care to Support Youth Success: The Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Protection seeks funding applicants to assist jurisdictions in planning and assessing prevention and intervention services to establish a continuum of care for at-risk youth or youth previously involved in the justice system. The aim of this funding is to support evidence-based youth recidivism reduction policy development. Applications are due July 8th, 2024.
- The Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Announces $1 Million for the National Youth Violence Prevention Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Program: The program will address youth violence prevention by providing the field and practitioners with comprehensive resources and training materials through the OJJDP National Youth Violence Prevention Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Program. Applications are due July 8, 2024.
- Environmental Protection Agency Announces $14 Million in Brownfields Job Training Grants: The Environmental Protection Agency announced $14 million in environmental job training grants under EPA’s Brownfields Job Training program. The grants are intended to aid non-profits and other organizations to recruit, train and retain a local highly-skilled environmental workforce by prioritizing under-represented, low-income individuals who have been impacted by solid and hazardous waste. Applications are due August 15, 2024.
From The States:
- Lawmakers allow for seizing of social security benefits of youth in foster care (Missouri): A bill to stop Missouri from reallocating Social Security benefits reserved for foster children came close to passing at the end of the legislative session. However, due to disagreements within the Republican party, the Senate adjourned early, killing the bill. A major impact of this outcome includes the continuation of social security dollars typically designated to Foster Youth being used to offset foster care costs, NYEC recognizes the importance of securing needed financial resources directly to foster youth.
- Literacy program offers support for Latino parents and strengthens the bond between them and their children (Delaware): Latin American Student Organization (LASO) students dedicate their Thursday evenings to childcare, allowing parents to attend a nearby literacy program. This program for multilingual learners (MLL) has grown steadily since 2017, reflecting the increasing MLL population in Sussex County. In Delaware, MLL students make up 10% of the total student population, with a majority (66%) being elementary schoolers, according to the Rodel Foundation. This program is important given the work to improve literacy outcomes in communities that some of our members have undertaken.
For The Youth:
- SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship: This unique program is the only national scholarship specifically designed to support young people who have experienced homelessness. It provides comprehensive assistance for young people ages 16-24 who have experienced homelessness at least once during the last six years, and the assistance is provided throughout their college journey, from starting their education to finding a job after graduation. The application deadline is approaching on June 1st, 2024.
Resources & A Chance to Act:
- American Student Assistance’s (ASA) Youth Work-Based Learning as Talent Development Strategy: Despite recognizing the value of high school interns for building their future workforce (86% of respondents agreed), employers face challenges in launching and running internship programs. The top hurdles they encounter include a) Employers struggle to pinpoint assignments that are both valuable for interns and contribute to the company’s goals, B) finding the right interns with the skills and interests that match internship opportunities can be difficult, and c) coordinating internship schedules with students’ academic calendars and existing commitments can be complex.
- How will climate change impact employment trends?: The transition to combat climate change will undoubtedly impact the fossil fuel industry. While job losses are expected (IEA estimates over 5 million by 2030), the bigger picture is a net gain in new clean energy jobs. The same report predicts over 17 million new jobs in areas like solar panel installation and wind turbine manufacturing by 2030. This shift presents a significant opportunity for workers to develop new skills and contribute to a sustainable future.