DC Youth and Young Adult Update 8-30-2024




News at NYEC: 

  • WIOA Programs can Help Participants Register to Vote: As we approach the 2024 election, NYEC wants to remind its members that the Department of Labor (DOL) issued guidance in 2022 sharing that programs receiving WIOA funds may engage in voter registration activities. Specifically, DOL stated that the following partners of American Job Centers may engage in such activities: WIOA Title I Youth, YouthBuild, Indian and Native American, National Farmworker, and Reentry Employment Opportunities programs and Job Corps operators.  

Legislative Branch:  

  • Congress is in recess and will return on September 9. 

Executive Branch: 

Federal Funding Opportunities: 

  • High School Equivalency Program: The HEP is designed to assist migratory or seasonal farmworkers (or immediate family members of such workers) to obtain the equivalent of a secondary school diploma and subsequently to gain improved employment, enter military service, or be placed in an institution of higher education (IHE) or other postsecondary education or training. Applications will be available on September 3, 2024 and will close November 15, 2024. 
  • Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant: The Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant programs provide funding for rural projects through local utility organizations. USDA provides zero-interest loans to local utilities. which they in turn, pass through to local businesses (ultimate recipients) for projects that will create and retain employment in rural areas. Applications are due June 30, 2025.  

Previously Shared 

From The States: 

  • New study reveals growing homelessness problem (Virginia): Homeward, a Richmond-based nonprofit fighting homelessness, has released a report revealing a concerning trend. The number of people without housing in Central Virginia has risen to 585, an increase of roughly 100 individuals since last year. 
  • The tragic death of Sonya Massey highlights the urgent need to implement delayed mental health response program (Illinois): An Illinois law designed to prevent confrontations between police and people experiencing mental health crises had been in effect for three years when Sonya Massey was fatally shot by a Sangamon County Sheriff’s deputy. The Community Emergency Services and Supports Act, or CESSA, mandated that mental health professionals respond to 911 calls involving mental or behavioral health issues, instead of police officers. This measure was supposed to be implemented on July 1, 2022, two years before Massey’s death. 

For The Youth: 

  • Girls In Venture Capital and Startups Fellowship:  The Girls into VC Fellowship is making history as the first educational program dedicated solely to young women interested in venture capital. This 10-week immersive program offers a unique opportunity to explore the exciting world of VC and startups, empowering participants with the knowledge and tools to excel in this competitive field. 
    • What’s in store: A dynamic blend of comprehensive activities, engaging reading materials, and networking events 
    • In-depth knowledge of VC, startup evaluation skills, and a strong professional network 
    • A supportive community that will continue to foster your growth long after the program ends 
    • Deadline: September 4th, 2024 


  • Integrating Digital Accessibility into Your DEI Strategy:  By making digital accessibility a core component of DEI initiatives, organizations create equal access and opportunity for everyone. An improved user experience benefits all users. Join Daryn Harpaz (CEO) and Juliette Alexandria (Senior Accessibility Analyst) of Zenyth Group to discover how to seamlessly weave digital accessibility into organization’s DEI strategy. Learn how to: 
    • Break down barriers that hinder individuals with disabilities 
    • Foster a truly inclusive environment that benefits everyone 
    • Enhance overall user experience 
    • Ensure your DEI strategy is comprehensive and effective