An Update on NYEC COVID-19 Efforts

NYEC members and friends, We hope that you are finding peace and hope as best as you can during these times. We wanted to provide another update on how NYEC is responding to our three national crises. COVID-19 Workshop Series Beginning in March we reorganized our monthly policy- and practice-focused meeting for members around responding…

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Summer Jobs Going Virtual During COVID: What We’ve Learned So Far

Since March, NYEC has been documenting how communities across the country are responding to COVID-19. NYEC has hosted COVID-response workshops, which have focused on future congressional COVID-19 relief packages, coaching youth through the job loss and search process, and labor market implications for young adult workers, among others, as well as maintaining a sense of…

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Untangling the Threads on Trauma: New NYEC and National Initiatives

A major federal appropriations bill in December labeled trauma-informed practices a “Bill-Wide Directive.” Philadelphia strives to be a trauma-informed city. Last year California’s first surgeon general advocated for screening every child for trauma. A national campaign seeks to create a “resilient, trauma-informed society.” What is the thread that connects these developments? Communities and families have…

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