The Next Generation of Marketing

While trying to find creative ways to incorporate youth voice into our work at the Next Generation Zone, I brainstormed an idea to start an internship that would teach selected young people who are currently enrolled with us about marketing.  The idea being to educate them about our workforce system, and our branding, and then…

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NYEC Supports Organizations as They Apply the Science of Adolescent Brain Development to Their Work

As more is known about adolescent brain science, it’s clear that supporting positive youth development, addressing trauma, and improving executive function skills all contribute to improving outcomes such as credential attainment, job placement, and retention. The National Youth Employment Coalition has been working with youth workforce organizations in Phoenix and Indianapolis to infuse executive skill…

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What Will Post-Pandemic Jobs Look Like?

The nature of work was rapidly changing before the COVID-19 outbreak: more part-time jobs and gig work, with fewer benefits and lower wages, even in a strong economy. What kind of work do we want when the pandemic passes? Despite calls for “Rooseveltian” responses to this unprecedented pandemic, recently passed relief packages lack the scale and…

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Confronting Three National Crises

We now face three national crises: A virus that hits our most vulnerable members and communities hardest, an economic collapse that has left more than 40 million looking for work, and the ongoing crisis that has defined America’s history for 400 years.   While I don’t believe that we need another statement from a white…

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Summer Jobs Going Virtual During COVID: What We’ve Learned So Far

Since March, NYEC has been documenting how communities across the country are responding to COVID-19. NYEC has hosted COVID-response workshops, which have focused on future congressional COVID-19 relief packages, coaching youth through the job loss and search process, and labor market implications for young adult workers, among others, as well as maintaining a sense of…

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